Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Things Phoenix Likes to Say Right Now

"YES, I Did!" This can mean yes, I did. It can also mean I would love to, I completely agree with you, and so on. Always said with enthusiasim. Example: He grabs a real estate guide out of one of those free bins outside of a restaurant. We ask him what he wants one for- does he need another house? "YES, I DID, I WANT 5."

Favorite number? 5

Ha! Ha! Ha! (Fake laugh)

He also consistently makes exclamations at bathtime about what makes him a boy.

"I want to go to Moe's!" (Like Baja Fresh- about 4 days a week).

"I poo pooed on the potty" or (not as happy) "I poo pooed in my pants".

He also makes many references about his Laurel Canyon House, or cars that look like LA.

Strangley enough, "Grandpa Bill" is a catch phrase that makes it into conversations or topics that have nothing to do with Grandpa Bill, but apparently, Phoenix is thinking of him ;) He doesn't do that with anyone else...

Snuggle Time

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

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